Monday, June 2, 2008

conrads birthday bash

Saturday was my birthday bash.

I had fifteen kids come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did fishing,water gun fight and bonfire.

It was so much fun.


Tad and Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Conrad!!! We are excited to see you all next week. We like the Jonas Brothers too..they played at The White House when we went at Easter. See you soon!
Uncle Tad, Aunt Michelle, Peyton & Connor

Clark and Stephanie said...

WOW! You are "the" kid of the future! How cool are you to have your very own blog:>) Great job with your music choice. You will have lots of fun with it. You know Jake will want one too:>)

Aunt Stephanie

laura said...

Conrad, You are a GREAT big brother! Love, Caden